Eczema, also known as atopic eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a dry, itchy skin condition that can affect children of any age group. It usually appears for the first time before your child is two years old. It usually happens when the body makes too few fatty cells called ceramides & having eczema means that the skin's barrier doesn't work as well as it should, which makes it drier. If your child has eczema then infections and allergens can enter his skin more easily, which can make the condition worse.
Babies can get the condition just about anywhere on their body. Most often, it affects their cheeks and the joints of their arms and legs.
It can run in families. If Mom or Dad has eczema, a baby is a lot more likely to get it, too.
Eczema can't be cured, but it can be controlled with the right treatments
Dry skin, Irritants like hard clothes like polyester, perfumes, body soaps, and laundry soaps, Heat and sweat and sometimes food Allergens like cow’s milk, peanuts, eggs, or certain fruits may worsen the situation.
In this, Help & Home Remedies For Eczema in Babies, app we have compiled complete information about Baby Eczema it's causes, symptoms, treatment, foods to avoid and home remedies.